Looking for a local preschool for your child?
On this page, you can look through options in our area, and check out their websites. There is information about:
On this page, you can look through options in our area, and check out their websites. There is information about:
- Local Center-Based Programs
- Local Family Day Cares
- How to choose a daycare
- Applying for state-funded childcare vouchers (subsidies)
- Northampton's Preschool Partnership Initiative
- Northampton Preschool Fair -- a video of a virtual "fair" with local programs
Download helpful lists of local early education care options here:
NORTHAMPTON-based Child Care & Preschool Options:
English and Español
SUROUNDING TOWN Child Care & Preschool Options:
English and Español
NORTHAMPTON-based Child Care & Preschool Options:
English and Español
SUROUNDING TOWN Child Care & Preschool Options:
English and Español
Northampton Public Preschool Applications for Fall 2024! Applications are either accepted or placed on the waitlist depending on space availability.
OPTIONS for Local Childcare & Preschool Programs:
Northampton: both large-group centers and home family day cares (FCCs).
Surrounding Towns: large-group centers with links to find home family day cares (FCCs).
Download helpful lists of local early education care options here:
NORTHAMPTON-based Child Care & Preschool Options: English and Español
SUROUNDING TOWN Child Care & Preschool Options: English and Español
Northampton: both large-group centers and home family day cares (FCCs).
Surrounding Towns: large-group centers with links to find home family day cares (FCCs).
Download helpful lists of local early education care options here:
NORTHAMPTON-based Child Care & Preschool Options: English and Español
SUROUNDING TOWN Child Care & Preschool Options: English and Español
Check this Mass EEC address for the most up-to-date options: https://eeclead.force.com/EEC_ChildCareSearch
General Information about Childcare in Massachusetts / La selección del programa de cuidado de niños
General Information about Childcare in Massachusetts / La selección del programa de cuidado de niños
Northampton Preschool Community Partnership (CPPI)
Northampton Public Schools are operating a community partnership grant in collaboration with three local community preschools. Some have spaces that are subsidized by the grant, or supported to have itinerant SPED services at the grant:
1. Community preschool grant-subsidized openings
2. State voucher-funded openings
Community Action Head Start on Vernon Street in Northampton has openings -- this is a wonderful program that has been around a long time, full of skilled teachers and support for your growing child's mind and body.
1. Community preschool grant-subsidized openings
- Cloverdale Cooperative Nursery School
- Gummybears Home Day Care (Zilla Lamour FCC)
- Community Action at Vernon Street (Head Start)
- Meadowlark Childcare Center
- New Village
- Children's House at Northampton Montessori
- Nonotuck Community School
- Contact the programs directly for more information on spaces and fees. See "OPTIONS for Local Childcare & Preschool Programs" above for the full list with contact information.
- Contact Laura Frogameni at 413-587-1471 x1 at the Northampton Public Schools Early Childhood Center for information about the Northampton Preschool Partnership.
2. State voucher-funded openings
Community Action Head Start on Vernon Street in Northampton has openings -- this is a wonderful program that has been around a long time, full of skilled teachers and support for your growing child's mind and body.
- Have a voucher? Click here to apply for a spot at Northampton's Head Start program, or call the Enrollment Office at 413-387-1250.
- Need a Child Care Voucher? Call Seven Hills Child Care Resources at 413-272-2207 for information on how to access a child care voucher.
![]() Seven Hills: Child Care Resources & Voucher Services
GREENFIELD AREA, Unit 4 21 Mohawk Trail, Greenfield, MA 01301 Phone: 413-272-2207 Hours: M-F 8:00 am-4:00 pm SevenHills.org Call Seven Hills Child Care Resources at 413-272-2207 for information on how to access a child care voucher Scan the QR code with your phone to connect to their website. |
MA Department of Early Education and Care website
www.mass.gov/eec www.mass.gov/guides/early-education-and-care-financial-assistance-for-families