Northampton Public Integrated Preschool Programs 2023-2024
Rolling Applications open now, for Northampton Public Schools' Preschool for 2023-2024.
Do you have a child turning 3 by August 31, 2023, and live in Northampton, Florence, or Leeds?
If you would like them to attend preschool Mon-Thurs at the Northampton Public Schools' Preschool, you can apply now!
Do you have a child turning 3 by August 31, 2023, and live in Northampton, Florence, or Leeds?
If you would like them to attend preschool Mon-Thurs at the Northampton Public Schools' Preschool, you can apply now!
Program Application for Fall of 2024:
- NPS Public Preschool Application 2024-2025
- Solicitud de preescolar para las escuelas públicas de Northampton 2024-2025
- Rolling admissions open now -- for any child who has already turned 3 years old. Half-day spaces are available at Bridge Street Elementary and at Leeds Elementary.
Program Overview:
- NPS Public Preschool Overview
- Visión general del preescolar público de las Escuelas Públicas de Northampton
Program Brochure:
Northampton Public School Calendar
Northampton Public Schools 2024-2025 Calendar
Calendario de las escuelas publicas de Northampton 2024-2025
Northampton Public Schools Preschool: Early Childhood Center link:
Visit here to learn more about NPS Public Preschool and download a preschool application form.
For more information:
- NPS PRESCHOOL: Contact Laura Frogameni at [email protected] for more information.
- COMMUNITY-BASED PRESCHOOL: Contact Laura Frogameni at [email protected] for information about the NPS 5-day CPPI Community Preschool Partnership program with links to local preschools
Basic information:
- Children in the Jackson Street or Bridge Street school zones go to the Bridge Street School preschool
- Children who live in the Ryan Road or Leeds Elementary school zones go to the Leeds Elementary school preschool
- Children are placed in programs via a lottery system, both for placement in the default 1/2 day program and for placement in a full day program. All applications submitted by March 15 are considered equally in the first round of the lottery. There are rolling admissions after March 15.
- The School Choice process does not apply for the preschool -- that system only applies for K-12 grades. Occasionally, if one school program has more spaces and the other school has more applicants, a space at the other school might be offered.
Current Public Preschool Options:
- NPS Preschool either at Bridge Street School or Leeds Elementary as described in the Preschool Overview
- SPED partnership with private preschools: some private preschools are part of the Preschool Partnership, where children on IEPs can receive instruction at a private preschool with itinerant SPED specialists from the Northampton Public Schools dropping in to provide services onsite.