We are stronger together!
We Are One Team Built on the Foundation of Our Relationships
Priority Strand I: Increasing Access to Quality Educational Experiences during the Foundational Early Years of Life
Priority Strand II: (Coaching?)
Priority Strand III: Itinerant Special Education
WHO ARE WE? Early Learning Partners in Northampton
Cohort 1: CPPI CLASSROOMS at Preschool Partners
Cloverdale Preschool, Gummybears Family Childcare, Head Start Early Learning, Meadowlark Preschool, Montessori Northampton, New Village
Cohort 2: Preschool Partner Programs
Clarke Integrated Preschool: participates in CFCE Council, Pyramid Model and special education discussions/workgroups
Free to Be a Child FCC: participates in professional development
Gan Keshet: starting with ASQ, itinerant special education
La Escuela Bertha Soledad Thorman FCC: participates in coaching
Miriam Fathalla FCC: participates in coaching
Organic Sprouts Childcare FCC: participates in coaching and professional development
NPS Preschool: participates in professional development
Organic Sprouts Childcare FCC: participates in coaching and professional development
Peoples Institute Child Care Center: participates in coaching and ELL programming initiatives, itinerant special education, professional development
Sandra Murray Lathrop FCC: participates in professional development , itinerant special education
Shirley Marie Guertin FCC: itinerant special education
Smith College Center for Early Childhood Education: coaching, itinerant special education, professional development
Wild Garden of Childhood: starting with ASQ
Cohort 1: CPPI CLASSROOMS at Preschool Partners
Cloverdale Preschool, Gummybears Family Childcare, Head Start Early Learning, Meadowlark Preschool, Montessori Northampton, New Village
Cohort 2: Preschool Partner Programs
Clarke Integrated Preschool: participates in CFCE Council, Pyramid Model and special education discussions/workgroups
Free to Be a Child FCC: participates in professional development
Gan Keshet: starting with ASQ, itinerant special education
La Escuela Bertha Soledad Thorman FCC: participates in coaching
Miriam Fathalla FCC: participates in coaching
Organic Sprouts Childcare FCC: participates in coaching and professional development
NPS Preschool: participates in professional development
Organic Sprouts Childcare FCC: participates in coaching and professional development
Peoples Institute Child Care Center: participates in coaching and ELL programming initiatives, itinerant special education, professional development
Sandra Murray Lathrop FCC: participates in professional development , itinerant special education
Shirley Marie Guertin FCC: itinerant special education
Smith College Center for Early Childhood Education: coaching, itinerant special education, professional development
Wild Garden of Childhood: starting with ASQ
Partner Preschool:
Referral Forms
Northampton Public Schools:
Referral Form
Upcoming CFCE quarterly meeting:
CFCE Meeting Minutes Archive